Modern cataract surgery with the prevention of the secondary cataract and implantation of the hydrophobic Tecnis Eyhance IOL

 Modern cataract surgery with the prevention of the secondary cataract and implantation of the hydrophobic Tecnis Eyhance IOL

Jan Novak

Department of Ophthalmology of the Hospital of the Pardubice Region, a.s. The Hospital Pardubice, CZ


The presentation on the case study illustrated by a methodical video pointing to the importance of primary prevention of secondary cataract in standard cataract surgery covered by the general health insurance using a hydrophobic refractive Tecnis Eyhance intraocular lens with an extended focus. This lens is characterized by the resistance of the material used to glistening and calcification, verified in literature for more than 20 years,and it enables better vision at medium distances. The use in the prefolded state in a disposable injector reduces the likelihood of bacterial contamination of the eye and mechanical damage to the intraocular lens during implantation.

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