Prague Festival of Ophthalmology was held online

 Prague Festival of Ophthalmology was held online

The 8th year of the international congress POF took place on the last weekend of October 2020. It was held online for the first time. The virtual congress for ophthalmologists was attended by almost 300 participants.

POF under the auspices of the Gemini Eye Clinic was created as a space for education and sharing experience between ophthalmologists. POF was moved to the online platform due to the epidemiological situation in Czech republic. Almost 30 case studies were discussed in the form of annotated presentations. Ophthalmological topics were supplemented by case studies from the field of acupuncture and law practice.

Participants could actively evaluate and comment on the individual presentation. Among the most discussed were the presentations of the renowned eye surgeon prof. MUDr. Pavel Rozsíval and also the chief physician of the vitreoretinal center of the Zlín Eye Clinic Gemini MUDr. Jaroslav Polišenský, FEBO.


POF was not the only significant event that was taking place online. KIM (Congress of Integrated Medicine) also took place with almost 300 registered participants.

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